Exercise, exercise, exerciseWe all should be doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 4 or more times a week, __7___. This can be pretty much anything that is physical, like walking, cycling, running, swimming to weightlifting, etc. This too does not have to be expensive, and you can get a great work out without joining any costly gyms. Most of these exercises are inexpensive, and just doing a cardiovascular exercise, like walking, jogging, or walking on a treadmill a few times a week will do your body (and heart) good.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • to adapt to a new situation
  • to get rid of and eradicate completely from your life
  • to watch what you are eating
  • to change your sleep patterns
  • to be expensive in the least bit
  • to get a full eight hours every night
  • to maintain good health and keep fit
  • to make further steps towards stopping completely

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • to adapt to a new situation
    • to get rid of and eradicate completely from your life
    • to watch what you are eating
    • to change your sleep patterns
    • to be expensive in the least bit
    • to get a full eight hours every night
    • to maintain good health and keep fit
    • to make further steps towards stopping completely

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