What is found in Dr. Lanyon's letter to Utterson?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Dr. Lanyon's letter to Utterson contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.
  • Dr. Lanyon's letter to the police contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.
  • Dr. Lanyon's letter to one of his close relatives contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Dr. Lanyon's letter to Utterson contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.
    • Dr. Lanyon's letter to the police contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.
    • Dr. Lanyon's letter to one of his close relatives contains another envelope to be opened only upon the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.

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