How does Dr. Jekyll react when Utterson questions him about Hyde and the will?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Dr. Jekyll reacts with aggression and threatens Utterson to kill him in case he continues his investigation.
  • Dr. Jekyll reacts with reluctance and begs Utterson not to insist on the matter regarding Hyde and the will.
  • Dr. Jekyll reacts with indifference. He mocks (висміює)Utterson's attempt to interfere in this case.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Dr. Jekyll reacts with aggression and threatens Utterson to kill him in case he continues his investigation.
    • Dr. Jekyll reacts with reluctance and begs Utterson not to insist on the matter regarding Hyde and the will.
    • Dr. Jekyll reacts with indifference. He mocks (висміює)Utterson's attempt to interfere in this case.

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