What does the final scene involving the naval officer reveal about the novel's themes?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the kindness on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of patience.
  • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the brutality on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of innocence.
  • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the indifference on the island and the kindness of the world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus of ignorence and the loss of emotions.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the kindness on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of patience.
    • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the brutality on the island and the civilized world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus savagery and the loss of innocence.
    • The final scene involving the naval officer highlights the stark contrast between the indifference on the island and the kindness of the world beyond, emphasizing the novel's themes of civilization versus of ignorence and the loss of emotions.

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