Would You Rather Travel with a Big Group of Friends or All by Yourself?I don’t really have an excuse to travel alone any more, and I miss it. I miss the times when I’d check in for a flight and let my eyes wander around the waiting area at the gate, trying to guess who my seat-mate would be. I always hoped I'd make a friend, yet still asked for a window seat, so I could stare through the window instead of having an unwanted conversation if my neighbour turned out to be a bore. The best conversation always turns out to be the dialogue you have with yourself.What does the author say about her travelling alone, according to PARAGRAPH 1?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • She had many friends in other countries.
  • She was fond of travelling with people but now she can`t do it.
  • She chose seat-mates when checking in.
  • She had to get into unwanted conversations.
  • She hated travelling abroad with a lot of people.
  • She had to give up travelling with her boyfriend and she travelled with her parents.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • She had many friends in other countries.
    • She was fond of travelling with people but now she can`t do it.
    • She chose seat-mates when checking in.
    • She had to get into unwanted conversations.
    • She hated travelling abroad with a lot of people.
    • She had to give up travelling with her boyfriend and she travelled with her parents.

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