Read the text and match the headings Another simple trick to help save our environment is to eat healthy organic food instead of fast food. Fast food isn’t only harmful to our bodies! The packaging that fast food comes in is very harmful to the environment. Think about eating an apple versus eating a meal from a fast food chain. When you’ve finished eating the apple, the core can be put in the compost heap. Even the seeds can be used to plant an apple tree! The fast food meal, however, is likely to have been wrapped up in plastic. That packaging will only add to rubbish heaps!

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Convenient but Harmful
  • Every Little Helps
  • Easier Than We Think
  • Easier Said Than Done
  • Let Nature Help Out

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    • Convenient but Harmful
    • Every Little Helps
    • Easier Than We Think
    • Easier Said Than Done
    • Let Nature Help Out

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