The term "clipper" is probably derived from the verb "clip," meaning to move quickly. It was given to sleek sailing ships (17)________. Such ships were called Yankee clippers. The age of the clippers lasted for just a decade, from the late 1840s to the mid-1850s. Nonetheless, (18)_______. Prior to the design of the Yankee clipper, England (19)______ that had a top speed of three or four knots. However, the long, lean, and beautiful Yankee (20)_______. Even when heavily loaded, they could maintain such speeds over long periods of time. It was not uncommon for a clipper ship to average 400 miles in a 24-hour period. Sadly, (21)______. A few, like the Cutty Sark, are now museums. Although some of these tall ships still sail the seas, they are usually not available to the public. One exception is t h e Clipper City, (22)_________. Pan Am's clipper aircraft have been gone for decades. But if you want to sail on a sleek clipper ship, you can charter the Clipper City at its home port in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia."

Варіанти відповідей:
  • most of the sleek clipper ships have long since gone
  • ruled the seas with heavily armed merchant ships
  • clippers could travel at 20 knots or more
  • traveled a long distance by sea
  • known for their beauty and speed
  • a wonderful voyage across the ocean
  • a perfect replica of the original clipper
  • they had a profound impact on world trade

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • most of the sleek clipper ships have long since gone
    • ruled the seas with heavily armed merchant ships
    • clippers could travel at 20 knots or more
    • traveled a long distance by sea
    • known for their beauty and speed
    • a wonderful voyage across the ocean
    • a perfect replica of the original clipper
    • they had a profound impact on world trade

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