How would the onset of AGI impact daily life?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with creatures of other civilizations.
  • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with animals and fishes
  • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with humans via brain-computer interfaces.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with creatures of other civilizations.
    • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with animals and fishes
    • The onset of AGI would significantly transform daily life, with AGI capable of tasks ranging from assisting in recipes to potentially merging with humans via brain-computer interfaces.

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