1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.1 Do you usually ______________ postcards to your friends when you go on holiday?2 I always ______________ a guidebook before I visit a new country, to plan where to go.3 I usually ______________ some souvenirs when I am on holiday.4 My parents always ______________ their journeys very carefully. They read about all the places tovisit.5 When we go to the airport we always ______________ early because there is a lot of traffic.6 What time does this train ______________ in Madrid?7 I like travelling but I’m always happy when I ______________ back home.8 We ______________ a lot of adventures when we went to the USA.9 We also ______________ a lot of interesting people there.10 Always ______________ your suitcase carefully before you go on holiday.

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  • 1 send2 buy3 buy4 plan5 set off6 arrive7 come8 had9 met10 pack
  • 1 send2 buy3 buy4 plan5 set off6 come7 arrive8 had9 met10 pack

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    • 1 send2 buy3 buy4 plan5 set off6 arrive7 come8 had9 met10 pack
    • 1 send2 buy3 buy4 plan5 set off6 come7 arrive8 had9 met10 pack

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