1The weather describes the day-to-day _____(1) of the atmosphere. It includes the temperature of the air, the amount of sunshine and rainfall, and the wind speed and _____(2).The weather is studied by scientists called _____(3). The weather often changes and the forecast needs to be updated.The climate of the UK is described as _____(4). This means that it is not very hot or very cold, or very wet or too dry. Generally, it is quite wet and mild. However, there are variations within the different parts of the UK. The western coast of the country is generally warmer than _____(5).

Варіанти відповідей:
  • conditions, direction, meteorologists, temperate, inland
  • meteorologists, inland, direction, conditions, temperate
  • inland, meteorologists, temperate, direction, conditions

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • conditions, direction, meteorologists, temperate, inland
    • meteorologists, inland, direction, conditions, temperate
    • inland, meteorologists, temperate, direction, conditions

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