Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words/expressions. fall out • get on • hang out • have arguments - make up My best friend is Marco. We’ve known each other for three years. We started (1) ……… together when we were in the same maths class. We (2) ……really well because we’ve got similar interests – we both like skateboarding and reading comics. Sometimes we (3) ………about silly things, but I think all friends do. Once we (4) ……… quite badly and didn’t talk to each other for days. But in the end we (5) ……………and we’ve been the best of friends ever since.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 hanging out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/fall out 4 fell out 5 made up
  • 1 hang out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/fall out 4 fell out 5 made up
  • 1 hang out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/ made up 4 fell out 5 fall out

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • 1 hanging out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/fall out 4 fell out 5 made up
    • 1 hang out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/fall out 4 fell out 5 made up
    • 1 hang out 2 get on/got on 3 have arguments/ made up 4 fell out 5 fall out

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