How does the conflict between Ralph and Jack escalate throughout the story?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for food, shelter, influence, and control over the treasures they found on the island
  • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for leadership, influence, and control over the group, reflecting broader societal tensions and the struggle between order and chaos.
  • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for guns they have found on the island and the influence they may have with the help of these godsend. (знахідка)

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for food, shelter, influence, and control over the treasures they found on the island
    • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for leadership, influence, and control over the group, reflecting broader societal tensions and the struggle between order and chaos.
    • The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates as they vie for guns they have found on the island and the influence they may have with the help of these godsend. (знахідка)

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