When you're alone, every moment is an opportunity for something exciting to happen. The first time I travelled alone, I flew to London and took the Eurostar to Paris, where I was studying abroad. It was a two-hour train ride, and when I woke up, it was suddenly snowing and everyone was speaking French. When I ran my belongings through security at the station, I unknowingly dropped my passport, only to have a stranger pick it up for me. The kindness of strangers shines through when you're freed from a set tribe of friends, marking you as one of their own. When you're alone, you belong to everyone.What happened to the author in Paris?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • She met angry people and she was upset.
  • She met her first love.
  • She met many kind people who helped her in difficult situations.
  • She met selfish people who thought only about themselves.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • She met angry people and she was upset.
    • She met her first love.
    • She met many kind people who helped her in difficult situations.
    • She met selfish people who thought only about themselves.

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