What inspired the appearance of the code name "007" for James Bond ?"

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's bus route from Canterbury to London."
  • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number of the car plate."
  • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number in the school football team."
  • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's love for numerology where number 007 is considered to bring happiness.l

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's bus route from Canterbury to London."
    • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number of the car plate."
    • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number in the school football team."
    • The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's love for numerology where number 007 is considered to bring happiness.l

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