4 StanfordsStanfords is the world’s largest specialist travel bookshop. It was set up by E. Stanford in 1853. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote about it in Hound of the Baskervilles. After more than 100 years in its former home, the bookshop relocated to its current site just around the corner at 7 Mercer Walk, where customers can find the same selection of travel stock. Now, it welcomes thousands of prospective explorers who come to browse their huge collection of maps, globes and travel guides.Which shop __________?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • A was mentioned in detective fiction
  • B gives you a chance to save on packaging
  • C used to be a place for travellers’ stay
  • D offers a diverse event programme
  • E sold magazines and papers
  • F has a special colourful entrance for kids
  • G gives you a chance to buy a pet
  • H organises culinary shows

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • A was mentioned in detective fiction
    • B gives you a chance to save on packaging
    • C used to be a place for travellers’ stay
    • D offers a diverse event programme
    • E sold magazines and papers
    • F has a special colourful entrance for kids
    • G gives you a chance to buy a pet
    • H organises culinary shows

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