Steve started to feel ill on Monday morning. He was pale. He had a headache and a sore throat. Besides he was sneezing and coughing badly. His mother took his temperature. It was very high. Steve had a fever. She said, “I think you can’t go to school today. You have to stay in bed. I’ll call the doctor.” Mrs. Parker phoned their family doctor, Mr Johnson. Mr Johnson came in an hour. He examined his patient, listened to his heart and lungs, and looked at his eyes and ears. Steve had a bad cold. The doctor said, “Steve, you have to stay in bed for a day, gargle your throat with salt water three times a day, and drink hot milk with butter and honey, dear. Here’s the prescription, Mrs. Parker. I think everything will be fine in a week. Follow my advice, please.” 62 The boys’ health improved wonderfully. Steve felt much better in a week under the doctor’s treatment. What was his temperature like?

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