A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. Today’s is to finish all the housework. PRIOR Niles owns an collection of 19th century paintings. IMPRESS Shall we plan a short to the sea for next Saturday? OUT Leave your bag in the changing room . LOCK The new hotel by the marina is really . LUXURY When are you moving your into the new flat? BELONG I think the fee to the Goya exhibition is 5 euros. ADMIT We are having a new lounge added to our home. SPACE

Варіанти відповідей:
  • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locking luxurious 6. belongings 7. admission 8. spacious
  • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locker luxurious 6. belongings 7. admission 8. spacious
  • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locker luxurious 6. belonging 7. admission 8. spacious

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locking luxurious 6. belongings 7. admission 8. spacious
    • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locker luxurious 6. belongings 7. admission 8. spacious
    • priority 2. impressive 3. outing 4. locker luxurious 6. belonging 7. admission 8. spacious

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