Can appearance define your character? Some people think that it can. They believe that if you are fat, thin, tall or short, this says something about your personality. Is this true?Our physical appearance is the first thing that other people see, and it can tell them a lot about us. For example, if we are very tall, we may be good at basketball. If we are very fat, we may eat too much. But is this fair? Uniqueness does not depend on one's body build. It depends on other things like intelligence and courage.The eyes may be considered windows into the soul. Many people say that they can look into someone's eyes and know what they are thinking and feeling. However, this is not always true. Sometimes people can hide their feelings. So, we cannot always judge others by their eyes.When we meet new people, we immediately evaluate their looks. We decide whether we like or dislike them based on how they look. This is not fair. We should get to know them better before we make a decision. Only then can we know if they are beautiful inside as well as outside.The media also plays an important role in judging beauty. Models and film stars are usually very good looking. They set the standard for beauty. People who do not look like them often feel bad about themselves. This is not right. Everyone is different and special in their own way.In conclusion, we cannot judge a person by his/her appearance. We must look inside their heart and see what kind of person they really are. Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Love yourself for everything inside you, and others will love you too.Models and film stars are not typically considered attractive.

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