How does Captain Beatty respond to Montag's sudden curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's ability to think?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it is not fully finished and that's why it is not dangerous to any society.
  • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks what they want it to think, revealing the control and manipulation present in their society.
  • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks and never reveals the truth until it is not dangerous.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it is not fully finished and that's why it is not dangerous to any society.
    • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks what they want it to think, revealing the control and manipulation present in their society.
    • Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks and never reveals the truth until it is not dangerous.

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