Read the paragraph and complete the gap with the correct sentence._____________ . Along with eight other expedition members, they flew to Antarctica and arrived at the “farthest point South” where in 1909 the famous explorer Ernest Shackleton had to abandon his own mission to the Pole. It was from there that Amelia’s brave team set off on skies, hoping that their 21st–century attempt would succeed.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • However, after 14 days in this extreme environment, on 9th December, the group reached their destination.
  • When she was seven, she travelled all the way across the US in a caravan and aged nine she climbed Mount Fuji in Japan.
  • However, she couldn’t get used to the harsh condition.
  • Even there the temperature only dropped to -27°C!
  • In November 2011, Amelia and her father, David, began their journey.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • However, after 14 days in this extreme environment, on 9th December, the group reached their destination.
    • When she was seven, she travelled all the way across the US in a caravan and aged nine she climbed Mount Fuji in Japan.
    • However, she couldn’t get used to the harsh condition.
    • Even there the temperature only dropped to -27°C!
    • In November 2011, Amelia and her father, David, began their journey.

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