Read the text and choose the correct answer.Lennox LouisAll ardent fans of boxing know the name of Lennox Louis, a renowned British boxer.Being a tweener Lennox chose a boxing career. Five years after taking up boxing, he became the World Junior Champion at the age of 17. Unfortunately, he didn’t become a champion in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Gold came four years later at the Seoul Olympic Games boxing final in 1988. Beginning with 1989, he continued to win the British Heavy WeightCommonwealth and European titles. Four years later Lennox was crownedWBC Heavy Weight Champion of the World. So he became the first BritishHeavy Weight Champion of the 20th century.The athlete proved his title more than once. In June of 2002 the boxer had his most difficult fight of his career against Mike Tyson. In spite of Tyson’s aggression, Lennox knocked Tyson out proving to be the grea test boxer of his time.He beat that boxer in … .

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