These days, people are turning away from meat because they want to be healthy, care about animals and the environment. For that reason, chefs and scientists at one company called ‘Impossible Foods’ spent one hundred million dollars to create a hamburger called the ‘Impossible Burger’. It’s called the ‘Impossible Burger’ because it looks, smells and tastes like a real meat burger, but it is made from natural plant ingredients such as wheat, coconut oil and potatoes. Where can you buy an Impossible Burger? Currently, you can buy it only in 32 restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas and San Francisco. However, the company plans to sell it in supermarkets and restaurants in many other cities in America, and then in other places around the world. The company says that it also wants to create other kinds of ‘meat’ that are made from plants. Bill Gates, the world famous Microsoft businessman, loves the idea of a hamburger made from plants.On January 7, 2019, 'Impossible Foods' launched a new version of their burger, the 'Impossible Burger 2.0'. The company has stated that the new burger is "tastier, juicier and more nutritious..." The new product is also gluten-free, replacing wheat with soy protein.In which locations can you currently buy an Impossible Burger?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Only in New York and Los Angeles
  • Only in supermarkets nationwide
  • In 32 restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas, and San Francisco
  • In fast food chains globally

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Only in New York and Los Angeles
    • Only in supermarkets nationwide
    • In 32 restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas, and San Francisco
    • In fast food chains globally

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