Read the article about the life of a writer. The headings are missing from the article. Choose from the headings A–G the one which fits each gap. There are two extra headings. A Problems of the job B The only job for me C I’d love a different job D The job of my dreams E The importance of routines F My time is my own G A well-paid job1 ……………………… When I was young, I dreamed about being a famous writer and now I am! I know I’m a very lucky person. I love my life and I love my work. 2 ……………………… Like most other writers, I work from home. I have a small office in the garden and every day I spend at least five hours there, writing. My dog sits beside me and all round me the garden is peaceful. When I want to break for lunch, I stop, but if I’m particularly interested in what I’m writing, I continue until it’s a good time. I organise my time myself. I don’t have to do what someone else tells me. That’s probably the biggest advantage. 3 ……………………… However, it’s not quite as easy as it seems. No, I don’t have to get up early and travel a long distance to work, but I have to make sure that I follow a routine or I would never manage to do everything. So, I get up at the same time each day and make sure that I’m sitting at my computer by 8:30. I try to write the same number of words every day too, and usually I do. 4 ……………………… One of the disadvantages of working from home is that people don’t think that I’m doing a ‘real’ job. People call me for a chat or come for a coffee and I have to be very strict with them and tell them that they mustn’t interrupt me! Another difficulty is if I don’t have any ideas. This happens quite often! There’s no one to tell me what I should or shouldn’t write. It’s all in my head and if I can’t think of anything, then I can’t write and I have to go for a walk with the dog or listen to some music to give my brain a rest. After a break like this, I can usually start writing again. 5 ……………………… I can’t imagine having another job. If I didn’t write, I don’t know what I’d do. So, I have to hope that people will continue to buy my books and that I continue to have good ideas!

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