Варіанти відповідей:
  • Along with our Queen Elisabeth, there's a whole family of royals. Right at the top of the family tree is the arrogantly named Alfred the Great, who defended his kingdom against the Vikings.
  • The Christmas tree in Soho Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
  • James Bond, or Secretive Jimmy as I call him down the pub, (9:37) is one of Britain's national heroes. (9:39) And one of the first people I did a 101 facts about, don't you know? (9:42) His codename, 007, (9:44) was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's bus route from Canterbury to London.(9:48) So there you go, not only do you know that now, (9:50) but you also know the bus route to get from Canterbury to London. (9:53) You're welcome. (9:54)
  • Tom and Anna have been revealed as the most popular male and female names of the last 500 years in the UK.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Along with our Queen Elisabeth, there's a whole family of royals. Right at the top of the family tree is the arrogantly named Alfred the Great, who defended his kingdom against the Vikings.
    • The Christmas tree in Soho Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
    • James Bond, or Secretive Jimmy as I call him down the pub, (9:37) is one of Britain's national heroes. (9:39) And one of the first people I did a 101 facts about, don't you know? (9:42) His codename, 007, (9:44) was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's bus route from Canterbury to London.(9:48) So there you go, not only do you know that now, (9:50) but you also know the bus route to get from Canterbury to London. (9:53) You're welcome. (9:54)
    • Tom and Anna have been revealed as the most popular male and female names of the last 500 years in the UK.

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