Before the UK had the pound sterling, the country had other monies that sound like the stuff you find in Gringotts. Which of these money did the country have ?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a euro.
  • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a dollar.
  • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a pound.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a euro.
    • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a dollar.
    • We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a pound.

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