Holmes, Watson and Simza determine that Simza's brother is being forced to participate in an assassination attempt. How is he going to gain entrance to the peace conference where it is scheduled to occur?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • There is a secret passageway behind the tapestries.
  • He has been surgically changed to look like one of the ambassadors.
  • He will drop down onto the balcony from the roof.
  • He sneaks inside the day before the conference and hides in a closet.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • There is a secret passageway behind the tapestries.
    • He has been surgically changed to look like one of the ambassadors.
    • He will drop down onto the balcony from the roof.
    • He sneaks inside the day before the conference and hides in a closet.

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