Which statement is about climate change? (more than 1 answer)

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 It is when harmful substances, like chemicals, waste, or gases, get into the air, water, or soil, causing damage to the environment and making it unsafe for living things.
  • 2 It is a big problem that makes the weather all around the world change a lot, like getting hotter or having more rain, for a long time.
  • 3 Changes in the world's weather, in particular the fact that it is believed to be getting warmer as a result of human activity increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:
  • 4 It is a big and complicated problem that makes the weather around the world change a lot for a long time. It affects nature, animals, and how people live.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • 1 It is when harmful substances, like chemicals, waste, or gases, get into the air, water, or soil, causing damage to the environment and making it unsafe for living things.
    • 2 It is a big problem that makes the weather all around the world change a lot, like getting hotter or having more rain, for a long time.
    • 3 Changes in the world's weather, in particular the fact that it is believed to be getting warmer as a result of human activity increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:
    • 4 It is a big and complicated problem that makes the weather around the world change a lot for a long time. It affects nature, animals, and how people live.

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