Read the text below about bullying and decide if the statements 1 - 6 are true or false.BULLYINGA bully is a person who attacks, either physically or emotionally, a weaker person. The existence of such organisations as Ditch the Label and Antibullying Alliance shows that bullying is a reality that should not be ignored. In fact, according to research carried out by Ditch the Label in 2015 in the UK, seven out of ten young people are bullied at some point at school or college. The experience has dramatic consequences for the victim: self- confidence is affected, school marks drop, and depression levels rise.Some of the signs of bullying, such as cuts, bruises and torn clothes, are physical, so they are usually easy to spot. There are, however, emotional and behavioural signs that may help warn parents and teachers, even in cases when the child refuses to share any information as to what is going on. Anti- bullying organisations encourage parents and teachers to focus on any change in the behaviour or habits of a person: for example, if the person acts strangely, loses his or her appetite, remains oddly silent, looks unhappy, or often ‘loses’ money and other personal belongings, he or she is definitely going though something that requires attention.Many anti-bullying efforts are centred on helping young people deal with bullying and even try to stop bullying from appearing in the first place. More and more campaigns run throughout the year, especially on social networking sites, aiming at raising awareness through discussion and action against bullying. One such example is Anti-Bullying Week. During this week, people are encouraged to speak out, share views and let victims of bullying know that they are not alone. Victims can call a special, free helpline and talk to experts who act as a support system. Also, other people can help by offering money to anti-bullying organisations or just by helping spread their message. The hope is that, as these efforts gain more popularity, bullying will eventually become socially unacceptable behaviour. Some victims of bullying might not talk about what is happening to them.

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