Read the text My brother’s school is called Summer Tree Academy. It’s a very big school in a small town in Western Australia. It has 35 classrooms, a few libraries and two gyms. It also has a large swimming pool. The students love it. This school is very old. The first students went to Summer Tree Academy 100 years ago. Some of the buildings are very beautiful.People go to the school when they’re 12. They can leave when they’re 16, or they can stay until they’re 18. Students can study lots of different subjects. Everyone has to study English, maths and science, but they can choose drama, computer programming or photography. They don’t have to study a language, but some students really enjoy learning Spanish and Chinese.Students don’t have to wear a uniform at Summer Tree Academy. They can wear what they like, but they can only wear shorts if it’s very hot. Teachers at the school believe that students enjoy school more if they don’t wear a uniform. My brother really enjoys going to Summer Tree Academy and my little sister can’t wait to start at the school.Choose the correct item.The school has more than one library

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