According to a recent survey, about 20% of workers around the world work from home at least once a week, and nearly 10 % work from home every day. There are obvious advantages.You can fit in you 1) at any time that’s convenient for you, and you don’t have to spend some of your 2) on travelling to and from office. 3) might also be a lot better in the peace and comfort of your home. However, many people also felt that if they weren’t in the office, they were less likely to be given 4) as the boss might not notice their good work. Being out of office could therefore damage their 5) . Equally, they might be more likely to be made 6) if the company got into trouble, because they had not been able to build a relationship with the boss.
Варіанти відповідей:
- salary
- promotion
- career prospects
- working conditions
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- salary
- promotion
- career prospects
- working conditions