Complete the sentences with words for jobs. 1 I’m a ……………………… . Sometimes I have to arrest people. 2 I’m a ……………………… . I repair people’s cars when they go wrong. 3 I’m a ……………………… . I write stories for newspapers and magazines. 4 I’m a ……………………… . I check people in and out of their rooms at the hotel. 5 I’m a ……………………… . People buy my clothes all over the world.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3fashion designer 4 receptionist 5 journalist
  • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3 receptionist 4 journalist 5 fashion designer
  • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3 journalist 4 receptionist 5 fashion designer

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3fashion designer 4 receptionist 5 journalist
    • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3 receptionist 4 journalist 5 fashion designer
    • 1 police officer 2 mechanic 3 journalist 4 receptionist 5 fashion designer

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