Match the genres with explanations Landscape Painting

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Includes individual, group or self-portraits.
  • An arrangement fruit, flowers or any group of domestic objects laid out on a table.
  • Religious, historical or allegorical work, with a moral message.
  • Scenes of everyday life typically portrayed in a non-idealized way.
  • Paintings where main content is a scenic view such as fields, forests or sea views.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Includes individual, group or self-portraits.
    • An arrangement fruit, flowers or any group of domestic objects laid out on a table.
    • Religious, historical or allegorical work, with a moral message.
    • Scenes of everyday life typically portrayed in a non-idealized way.
    • Paintings where main content is a scenic view such as fields, forests or sea views.

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