What distinguishes Super Intelligent AI from Artificial General Intelligence?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI, could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities combined with other civilization representatives' comprehension.
  • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities combined with human comprehension.
  • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities beyond human comprehension.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI, could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities combined with other civilization representatives' comprehension.
    • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities combined with human comprehension.
    • Super Intelligent AI, emerging after AGI could self-improve, evolve, and adapt without human input, potentially leading to exponential growth in intelligence and capabilities beyond human comprehension.

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