D. Circle the correct option. This villa belongs to a diamond merchant / client. The architect’s fare / fee is very high. Motorcyclists are required by law to wear a helmet / gun. What amount / altitude of money do you have to pay back to the bank every month? A thief grabbed / indicated two mobile phones from the table and quickly ran out of the cafe.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • merchant 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. grabbed
  • client 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. grabbed
  • merchant 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. indicated

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • merchant 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. grabbed
    • client 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. grabbed
    • merchant 2. fee 3. helmet 4. amount 5. indicated

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