How does IBM's Watson contribute to the medical field?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data to provide technology and medical experts with potentially new diagnoses, among other applications.
  • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data to provide insights and potential diagnoses, among other applications.
  • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data of space investigations and biological tests to provide insights and potential diagnoses, among other applications.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data to provide technology and medical experts with potentially new diagnoses, among other applications.
    • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data to provide insights and potential diagnoses, among other applications.
    • IBM's Watson aids the medical field by quickly analyzing vast data of space investigations and biological tests to provide insights and potential diagnoses, among other applications.

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