Read the text and answer the question Over the last twenty years, we have produced more plastic than during the last century. Why? It’s cheap and easy to produce. Most of the plastic we use only once and then throw away. But it doesn’t disappear. It covers the Earth and goes into the oceans. It can also become microplastic. Have you heard about it? It’s so small that we don’t even see it. But it’s around us: in the water we drink, in the food we eat or in the cosmetics we use. The “Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch” is an area with waste plastic in the Pacific Ocean. Scientists are not sure how big it is. They say it can be 700 000 km? or more than 15 mln km?. Most of this plastic comes from plastic bags, plastic water bottles and cups. The sun breaks this plastic into smaller and smaller pieces. Millions of marine animals die when they eat this plastic. It is not easy to clean it. Scientists say the best answer is to stop throwing away plastic. Where is “Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch”?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • in the seas
  • in the Pacific Ocean
  • in all the oceans

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    • in the seas
    • in the Pacific Ocean
    • in all the oceans

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