Read and complete.Skills are …

Варіанти відповідей:
  • the learnt capacity for doing something.
  • thinking about your future career.
  • special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.
  • your natural abilities or talents.
  • affect the jobs available.
  • up even more job opportunities.
  • part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.
  • become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • the learnt capacity for doing something.
    • thinking about your future career.
    • special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.
    • your natural abilities or talents.
    • affect the jobs available.
    • up even more job opportunities.
    • part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.
    • become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

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