Тест на тему "Writing Семестровий контроль письма НУШ, 6 клас (Мітчелл)"
- My mom was cooking and my brother played computer games
- While my mother was cooking dinner, my younger brother was playing computer games
- When my mother cooked dinner, my younger brother was playing computer games
Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь
Правильна відповідь виділена іншим кольором.
Якщо правильних відповідей декілька, то всі вони будуть виділені іншим кольором.
- My mom was cooking and my brother played computer games
- While my mother was cooking dinner, my younger brother was playing computer games
- When my mother cooked dinner, my younger brother was playing computer games