2. _One argument happens because parents and teenagers have a completely different definition of what ‘clean’ should mean. While most parents are reasonable enough not to make their teens tidy their room every day, perhaps, apart from making the bed, they insist on a regular cleaning schedule. In most cases, this should take place at least once a week. Their teenage children, however, often like to avoid this, or, at least, do the job as rarely and as quickly as possible.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • A. Need for a good routine
  • B. Different tastes
  • C. Fight to the death
  • D. Not what you’d imagine
  • E. Having your own space
  • F. An unacceptable answer

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • A. Need for a good routine
    • B. Different tastes
    • C. Fight to the death
    • D. Not what you’d imagine
    • E. Having your own space
    • F. An unacceptable answer

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