Where do sign languages come from?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • They have been copied from the great apes living in Africa.
  • They were invented by the French Abbe de l'Epee between 1760 and 1789
  • They emerged naturally where deaf people were gathered together and are present also in some indigenous populations.
  • They have been created in the language laboratory from the Gallaudet University(USA)

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • They have been copied from the great apes living in Africa.
    • They were invented by the French Abbe de l'Epee between 1760 and 1789
    • They emerged naturally where deaf people were gathered together and are present also in some indigenous populations.
    • They have been created in the language laboratory from the Gallaudet University(USA)

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