Read the following text. Fill in the gaps (1-5) with the correct answer (A-C)Have you heard of a most unusual sporting activity called ‘extreme ironing’? The activity (1)___ t aking an ironing board and a wireless iron to extreme locations, where the participants iron a piece of clothing. If you want to take (2)___ this activity, you’ll need good skills in a range of sports, such as rock climbing, running, skiing and even scuba diving.The story of extreme ironing began in 1997 with a man called Phil Shaw. After he had come home from work one day, Phil wanted to (3)___ rock climbing, but also had a pile of clothes that needed ironing. So he decided to combine the two activities and ‘extreme ironing’ was born. A few years later, the activity had become so popular that in 2002, the first international event, called the extreme Ironing World Championships, was (4)___ in Germany. Since the activity was started in 1997, extreme ironing adventures have taken (5)___ in some very dangerous locations, including mountains, forests, Arctic areas and even the middle of a motorway.

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