MY WORK EXPERIENCE BLOGBY KAREN JONESThis is my third week of work experience, and I have anotherthree weeks to go. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m so glad Idecided to do it. I’ve already learnt a lot about banking, butit’s so much more than that – I’ve travelled half way acrossthe world, made friends for life, improved my personalskills and self-confidence and had my first taste ofindependence!I graduated from university last year with a degree in Maths. Ireally didn’t know what I wanted to do after that, so I neededsome time to think about my future career. When I first saw theadvert for this project, I didn’t think it was for me. London,UK, is a long way away from Hong Kong, where I’ve livedmy whole life. How would I manage without my family andfriends? I talked about it with my parents, and in the end Idecided to apply. To my surprise, I got in – and by then it wastoo late to change my mind!I’m not earning much, of course, because it isn’t a real job.The project pays for my expenses and gives me some pocketmoney too. I only had to pay for the airfare, so really it’s quitea good deal. My parents are coming out to see me when Ifinish and we’re going to spend a week sightseeing. I’mlooking forward to that because I love seeing new places andmeeting new people.This has been a great adventure for me, and I’ve discovered alot about myself – including the fact that banking isn’t reallythe profession for me! I have, however, found out what I reallylove – and that’s travelling! So I think that’s where my careerlies. Karen has already made friends with people all aroundthe world

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