Complete the dialogue using the expression in GAP 7.Tara: Hello, I’d like 0 for The Doctor, please.Kevin: Of course, 1 would you like to go to?Tara: The 6.15, please.Kevin: Sorry, but it’s 2 . There are quite 3 left for 8.15.Tara: OK, 8.15 then, please.Kevin: Sure. Do you prefer to sit in 4____________________ or near the back?Tara: Near the back is better, please.Kevin: OK. You’re in row 31 – 5 ?Tara: That’s fine, thanks. 6 ?Kevin: ?25.60, please.Tara: 7 .Kevin: Thanks. 8 to have something to eat? You have lots of time before the film starts and there’s a cafe upstairs.Tara: That’s a good idea! What time9 ?Kevin: 9 o’clock.Tara: OK, that’s great. We can go there now.Kevin: 10 !Tara: Thank you!

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Here you are
  • How much is that
  • a lot of seats
  • Enjoy the film
  • which screening
  • Do you want
  • the front row
  • does it close

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Here you are
    • How much is that
    • a lot of seats
    • Enjoy the film
    • which screening
    • Do you want
    • the front row
    • does it close

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