I. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. ( Установіть відповідність між фразовими дієсловами та їх визначеннями)meet up (with)

Варіанти відповідей:
  • meet or find by chance
  • give other people a certain feeling or opinion
  • to accidentally hit against something
  • to go into a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else
  • to see and talk to someone after making an arrangement to do so
  • to come together with someone, either unexpectedly or as planned

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • meet or find by chance
    • give other people a certain feeling or opinion
    • to accidentally hit against something
    • to go into a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else
    • to see and talk to someone after making an arrangement to do so
    • to come together with someone, either unexpectedly or as planned

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