Since 1991 when Ukraine became a sovereign state, it has been setting new contacts with many foreign countries in the world. We can’t and don’t want to be aside this process. That’s why learning a foreign language is a matter of necessity. Among many languages English – the most widespread language in the world and besides the international computer language – is the most important. What is more, it is a very melodic language, a language with a long history

Варіанти відповідей:
  • many traditions of English people are reflected in their language. The knowledge of the English language gives one an advantage to find a good job – either in a private company or in one of the state institutions or enterprises. Moreover, to study a foreign language means to learn more about a country – its culture, history and traditions – and people – their lifestyles and attitudes. Such interest in other people’s life usually broads up your mind, makes you more tolerant to people’s opinion and helps you to understand people of other culture. And just think of the possibility of being able to talk freely to a foreigner about business, politics, culture, sport and hobbies! The knowledge of the English language gives you the freedom to express your opinion and to understand other people both in our country and abroad!Ukraine has been setting new contacts with foreign countries since 1991.
  • True
  • False

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • many traditions of English people are reflected in their language. The knowledge of the English language gives one an advantage to find a good job – either in a private company or in one of the state institutions or enterprises. Moreover, to study a foreign language means to learn more about a country – its culture, history and traditions – and people – their lifestyles and attitudes. Such interest in other people’s life usually broads up your mind, makes you more tolerant to people’s opinion and helps you to understand people of other culture. And just think of the possibility of being able to talk freely to a foreigner about business, politics, culture, sport and hobbies! The knowledge of the English language gives you the freedom to express your opinion and to understand other people both in our country and abroad!Ukraine has been setting new contacts with foreign countries since 1991.
    • True
    • False

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