Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23-32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).MODERN TECHNOLOGYModern technology is changing and improving all the time. Every month, scientists (23)____new gadgets and (24)___help us with our daily lives, and (25)____ways to make existing technology faster and better. Our homes are full of hardware, such as DVD players and computers and (26)____such as computer games and MP3s.(27)______suggests, however, that it's young people who are best able to deal with this change. Whereas teenagers have no problem (28)_____a DVD player, their mums and dads and grandparents often find using new technology (29)____and difficult. But if you are a teenager who criticizes your parents for their (30)____of technological awareness, don't be too hard on them! Sometime (31)____the future, when you've got children of your own, your ability to deal with new technology will probably (32)____. And your children will feel more comfortable with new technology then you do. You won't want them to criticize you, will you?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • screens
  • gadgets
  • software
  • laptops

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    • screens
    • gadgets
    • software
    • laptops

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