23. Puts the words into the text My Mum works for an advertising _______. I think her job is much more interesting than my Dad’s. I get on very well with her, but sometimes she _______too much. My father is a bit of a ______ He works for a big publishing company. He works late hours, even weekends. He’s nice, but when I go out, he wants me to be ______ by 10 o’clock. My best 5)_____ is called Eve. She’s a real friend. She never lets me down. We go to the same school. When school is over, we go to the beach to watch windsurfers. I like one of the boys there a lot. Eve says he is a _____. His name is Pete, but he doesn’t even notice me

Варіанти відповідей:
  • worries
  • real joker
  • workaholic
  • back
  • agency
  • mate

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    • worries
    • real joker
    • workaholic
    • back
    • agency
    • mate

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