Choose the right word-combinations.Problems :

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 to pollute the air with fumes of cars
  • 2 to use plastic package
  • 3 to use bikes rather than cars
  • 4 to use less plastic packaging
  • 5 to cut down the trees
  • 6 to clean away the territory
  • 7 to throw the litter in the streets
  • 8 to plant more trees, flowers

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • 1 to pollute the air with fumes of cars
    • 2 to use plastic package
    • 3 to use bikes rather than cars
    • 4 to use less plastic packaging
    • 5 to cut down the trees
    • 6 to clean away the territory
    • 7 to throw the litter in the streets
    • 8 to plant more trees, flowers

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