Тест на тему "Home reading ( 29.03)"
- with er instead of re (center, theater for the British centre, theatre)
- with an s instead of а с (defenses license for the British defence, licence)
- with a final ck instead of que (check, mask for the British cheque, masque)
- and without a final k (traffic, public, now also used in British English, for the older traffick, publick). Later spelling reform сreated a few other differences, such as program for British programme. Canadian spelling varies between the British and American forms, more British in eastern Canada and more American in western Canada. Statments 1. The passage mainly discusses:
- a) Noah Webster's literary heritage
- b) the varieties of spelling
- c) Webster's political preferences
- d) popular schoolbooks in America.
Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь
Правильна відповідь виділена іншим кольором.
Якщо правильних відповідей декілька, то всі вони будуть виділені іншим кольором.
- with er instead of re (center, theater for the British centre, theatre)
- with an s instead of а с (defenses license for the British defence, licence)
- with a final ck instead of que (check, mask for the British cheque, masque)
- and without a final k (traffic, public, now also used in British English, for the older traffick, publick). Later spelling reform сreated a few other differences, such as program for British programme. Canadian spelling varies between the British and American forms, more British in eastern Canada and more American in western Canada. Statments 1. The passage mainly discusses:
- a) Noah Webster's literary heritage
- b) the varieties of spelling
- c) Webster's political preferences
- d) popular schoolbooks in America.