Match the headings to the parts of the text. In 1909, an American businessman, William Boyce, was lost in the fog of London, when a small boy approached him, and offered to take him to his hotel. The boy refused any offer of money for the service, saying that it was his good turn as a Boy Scout. Boyce was interested in this and visited Baden-Powell before he left London to discover more of this. When he got back to the USA he set up the movement the Boy Scouts of America. By 1918, its number had risen to 300,000, and had reached the million mark before the end of the twenties.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • New Organisation of the Scout Movement
  • Life without Baden-Powell
  • The Start of the Movement
  • The Birth of an Idea

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • New Organisation of the Scout Movement
    • Life without Baden-Powell
    • The Start of the Movement
    • The Birth of an Idea

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